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 Published by Mr. McCabe

• STATE CONSTITUTIONAL CRIMINAL PROCEDURE: Cases and Materials, (with Catherine Greene Burnett), Houston, TX (John

  Marshall 1994) 
•"Our Federalism," Not Theirs: Judicial Comparative Federalism in the U.S., 40 S. TEX. L. REV. 541 (1999) 
• Privilege vs. Truth, TEX. LAW. at 21, December 14, 1998 
• State Constitutions and Substantive Criminal Law, 71 TEMP. L. REV. 521 (1998) 
• Merchants of Chaos, Q., Fall 1997 
• A Rescue from the Jaws of the Crocodile: The Post-Certiorari Plain Statement Footnote, 59 ALB. L. REV. 1737 (1996) 
• The Crouch Case, TEX. LAW., June 24 (1996) 
• Texas Constitutional Law: Attacking the Death Penalty on Independent State Constitutional Grounds, CAPITAL MURDER

   CERTIFICATION COURSE (Houston: Houston Bar Association Criminal Law and Procedure Section, 1995) (with Catherine Greene


• State Constitutional Law: Separation of Powers in Criminal Cases, 17 CHAMPION, Nov. 1993 
• Attack on the Court Was Misleading, Unfair, TEX. LAW, Aug. 9, 1993 
• A Compass in the Swamp: A Guide to Tactics in State Constitutional Law Challenges, (with Catherine Greene Burnett), 25 TEX.

  TECH L. REV. 75 (1993) 

• The State and Federal Religion Clauses: Differences of Degree and Kind, 5 ST. THOMAS L. REV. 49 (1992) 
• Legislative Facts as Evidence in State Constitutional Search Analysis, 65 TEMP. L. REV. 1229 
• Ex Post Facto Provisions of State Constitutions, (with Cynthia Ann Bell), 4 EMERGING ISSUES ST. CONST. L. 133 (1991) 
• Criminal Law Developments Under State Constitutions, 1989-1990, 3 EMERGING ISSUES ST. CONST. L. 1 (1990) 
• Sports Fans and Speech Freedom, 27 HOUS. LAW, May-June 1990 
• The Right to a Lawyer at a Lineup. Support From State Courts and Experimental Psychology, 22 IND. L. REV. 905 (1989) 
• The Right to a Lawyer at a Lineup. Support From State Courts and Experimental Psychology, 3 CRIM. PRAC. L. REV. 1 (1990) 
• From Open Fields to Open Skies: The Constitutionality of Aerial Surveillance, 16 SEARCH & SEIZURE L. REP. 153 (1989) 
• Four Faces of State Constitutional Separation of Powers: Challenges to Speedy Trial and Speedy Disposition Provisions, 62 TEMP. L.

   REV. 177 (1989) 
• DAs Are Selling the Public a Bill of Goods, TEX. LAW., Feb. 20, 1989

• State Constitutions and the Open Fields Doctrine: A Historical-Definitional Analysis of the Scope of Protection Against Warrantless

   Searches of Possessions, 13 VT. L. REV. 179 (1988) 
• State Maintains its Brand of Justice, TEX. LAW, July 4, 1988 
• The State Constitutions in the Bicentennial Year, 17 VOICE FOR THE DEF., Dec. 1987 
• Why Johnny Can't Sue: Separation of Powers Between District and County Attorneys in Harris County, 17 VOICE FOR THE DEF.,

   Sept. 1987 
• Holmes v. Eckles Decision: A Victory for Civil Litigants, TEX. LAW., May 4, 1987 
• Sodomy Decision Ironic, TEX. LAW., Aug. 4, 1986 
• The New Doctrine of Fundamental Error: Texas Gets in Step with the Majority on Criminal Cases, (with David L. Crump), 23 HOUS.

   LAW., Jan. Feb. 1986 
• Twenty-Fifth Annual Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, (Co-Author with Richard J. Graving, Chris 

   DiFerrante, David W. Holman, M. Kip Morgan, Katrina D. Packard; David J. Sacks), 26 S. TEX. L.J. 243 (1985) 
• In Defense of Almanza, TEX. LAW., Sept. 25, 1985 

• Defending McMaster, TEX. LAW., Aug. 7, 1985

• Proverbs in an LSD Cult, 83 J. Amer. Folklore 381 (1970) (with Richard Bauman), reprinted in Anthropology and American Life,  

  Joseph G. Jorgensen and Marcello Truzzi, eds.( Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1974.) 



  • State v. Wright, 961 N.W.2d 396, 403 (Iowa 2021).

  • State v. Brown, 930 N.W.2d 840, 861 (Iowa 2019) (McDonald, J, concurring specially)​.

  • In re Dependency of S.K.-P., 401 P.3d 442, 200 Wn.App. 86, 108 (Wash. App. 2017).

  • Martinez v. State, 503 S.W.3d 728, 734 (Tex. App. –El Paso 2016, pet. ref’d)

  • State v. Senn, 882 N.W.2d 1, 58 (Iowa 2016) (Appel, J., dissenting).

  • Medrano v. State, 421 S.W.3d 869, 878 (Tex. App.-Dallas 2014, pet. ref’d).

  • State v. Baldon, 829 N.W.2d 785, 833 (Iowa 2013).

  • City of Dallas v. Stewart, 361 S.W.3d 562, 573 (Tex. 2012).

  • People v. Galvadon, 103 P.3d 923, 936 (Colo. 2005).

  • O'Brien v. Jones, 999 P.2d 95 (Cal. 2000) (Kennard, J., dissenting).

  • State v. McMorris, 570 N.W.2d 384, 390 n. 9 (Wis. 1997).

  • Malyon v. Pierce County, 935 P.2d 1272, 1281 n. 30 (Wash. 1997).

  • Armadillo Bail Bonds v. State, 802 S.W.2d 237, 239 (Tex. Crim. App. 1990).

  • Autran v. State, 887 S.W.2d 31, 37 n. 6 (Tex. Crim. App. 1994).

  • Johnson v. State, 912 S.W.2d 227, 237 (Tex. Crim. App. 1995) (Baird, J., concurring).

  • Bauder v. State, 921 S.W.2d 696, 700 (Tex. Crim. App. 1996) (Clinton, J., concurring).

  • Tilton v. Marshall, 925 S.W.2d 672, 677 n. 6 (Tex. 1996).

  • Artway v. Attorney General of New Jersey, 876 F.Supp. 666, 671 (D.N.J. 1995).

  • Ex parte Tucci, 859 S.W.2d 1, 12 n. 34 (Tex. 1993).

  • Saldana v. State, 846 P.2d 604, 661 (Wyo. 1993).

  • Muniz v. State, 865 S.W.2d 513, 517 n. 5 (Tex. App. —San Antonio 1993, pet. ref’d)

  • Thurman v. State, 861 S.W.2d 96, 99 (Tex. App. —Houston [1 Dist.] 1993, no pet.)

  • State v. Kirchoff, 587 A.2d 988, 991 (Vt. 1991) and 997 (Springer, District Judge, Ret., Specially Assigned, concurring)



  • Ryan Francis Pollack, The Eyes-On Doctrine, Forthcoming, to be published in 134 Yale. L. J. 7, n. 47 (2024).

  • Wayne A. Logan, The Ex Post Facto Clause: Its History and Role in a Punitive Society 276 (Oxford Univ. Press 2023).

  • Robert F. Williams and Lawrence Friedman, The Law of American State Constitutions, 203 (2d ed. Oxford University Press 2023).

  • Luke W. Harvey, Letting the Katz Out of the Bag: Recent Developments in Iowa Trash-rip Jurisprudence, 108 Iowa L. Rev. 1437, 1454 n. 134 (2023).

  • Bożena Kochman-Haładyj & Robert Kiełtyka, Paradigm Shift in the Representation of Women in Anglo-American Paremiology -- A Cognitive Semantics Perspective, Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 45 (J. Univ. of Bialystok 2023).

  • Paul Benjamin Linton, Neutralizing State Constitutions As a Source of Abortion Rights: The Path Forward, 34 Regent Univ. L. Rev. 385, 495 n. 121 (2021-2022).

  • Samuel Lemire, Is the United Kingdom Becoming a Federal State? 56, n. 165; 91, n. 309; 109, n. 62; 112, n. 79; 152, n. 20 (Trinity College, Univ. of Dublin 2022).

  • Daniel Epps, Checks and Balances in the Criminal Law, 74 Vand. L. Rev. 1 (2021).

  • George Thomas Kurian, The Encyclopedia of Political Science 427 (2021).

  • Ido Hartogsohn, American Trip: Set, Setting, and the Psychedelic Experience in the Twentieth Century (MIT Press 2020).

  • Aliza Plener Cover, Supermajoritarian Criminal Justice, 87 Geo Wash. L. Rev. (2019).


  • Francesco Palermo, Comparative Federalism (Hart Publishing 2019).

  • Various Authors, Routledge Library Editions: Sociology of Religion 480, 661 (Taylor & Francis Group 2019).

  • Lauren Fash, Automated License Plate Readers: The Difficult Balance of Solving Crime and Protecting Individual Privacy, 78 Md. L. Rev. Online 63, 86 nn. 208 & 210 (2019) 

  • Judith Wyttenbach, Systemic and Structural Factors Relating to Quality and Equality of Human Rights Implementation in Federal States: A Critical Assessment of the Practice of Human Rights Treaty Bodies, 7 Int’l Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 43, 59 n. 82 (2018).

  • Laurent Sacharoff, Montejo and the New Judicial Federalism, 50 Tex. Tech L. Rev. 599, 614 n. 169 (2017-2018).

  • K.W. Graham, Faculty Law Review Articles, 1894-2017 153 UCLA Public Law & Legal Theory Series (2018).

  • Jessica Steinberg, Anna E. Carpenter, Colleen F. Shanahan, & Alyx Mark, Studying the “New” Civil Judges, Wis. L. J. 249, 268 n. 82 (2018).

  • Anthony Joseph, Down But Not Out: Trinity Lutheran’s Implications for State No-Aid Provisions, JCL Online 26 n. 193 (2018).


  • Encyclopedia of American Civil Rights and Liberties: Revised and Expanded 352 (Kara E. Stooksbury, John M. Scheb II, Otis H. Stephens Jr., ed.) (2017).

  • Warren Redlich, A Substantive Due Process Challenge to the War on Drugs 47 n. 41 (2017).

  • Maureen E. Brady, The Lost Effects of the Fourth Amendment: Giving Personal Property Due Protection, 125 Yale L. J. 946, 972 n. 115 (2015-2016).

  • Сборникнаучныхстатей, ТИПЫ ПРАВОПОНИМАНИЯ И ВЫЗОВЫ МЕНЯЮЩЕГОСЯ МИРА104 n. 222 (Санкт-Петербург 2016).

  • Liberalization Trends of Criminal Law in Georgia 144, n. 31 (Tblisi 2016).

  • Robert R. Barton, Texas Search and Seizure 7 n. 14 (2015).

  • M. Boggiani, Certezza e Diritto Penale Statunitense: Vagueness, Iretroattivita e Stare Decisis 94, nn. 3 & 4 (2015)

  • Grigol Ubiria, Soviet Nation-Building in Central Asia: The Making of the Kazakh andUzbek Nations98 n. 27 (2015).

  • Stapleton, P. and Skinner, D. ‘The Affordable Care Act and Assisted Reproductive Technology Use’, Politics and the Life Sciences 34(2) n. 15 (Cambridge University 2015).

  • James K. Leven, Attention Gun-Rights Advocates: Don't Forget the Illinois Constitutional Right to Keep and Bear Arms, 48 J. Marshall L. Rev. 53, 88 n. 169 (2014-2015).

  • Boris I. Bittker, Scott C. Idleman, Frank S. Ravitch, Religion and the State in American Law 152 n. 15 (2015).

  • Kevin Barry, Going Retro: Abolition for All, 46 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 669, 738 n. 416 (2014-2015).

  • Colin Shaff, Is the Court Allergic to Katz -Problems Posed By New Methods of Electronic Surveillance to the Reasonable-Expectation-of-Privacy Test, 23 S. Cal. Interdisc. L.J. 409, 439 n. 174 (2014).

  • Joshua Canzona, Contradictory Impulses in the Psychedelic Sixties, 20.1 Limina 11 n. 47 (2014).

  • Myron Moskovitz, Cases and Problems in Criminal Procedure: The Police (2014).

  • Ted A. Hildebrandt & Frederick Clarke Putnam, Solomon's Proverbs: A Cumulative Bibliography186 (2014).

  • Jeffrey Omar Usman, Constitutional Constraints on Retroactive Civil Legislation: The Hollow Promises of the Federal Constitution and Unrealized Potential of State Constitutions, 14 Nev. L.J. 63, 68 n. 35 (2013).

  • Gabriela Buljan & Tanja Gradečak-Erdeljić, English and Croatian proverbs of human emotions and character: A Cognitive-Contrastive view 1, 10 (Univ. of Osijek 2013).

  • James N.G. Cauthen, State Constitutions and Challenges to Nonpublic School Transportation Programs, 55 J. Church & State 498 n. 12 (2013).

  • MG Roskin, RL Cord, JA Medeiros, WS Jones, Siyaset Bilimi: Bir Giriş (2013).

  • Andrea Iff, Peace-Promoting Federalism: Making Sense of India and Nigeria, 42 Publius: The Journal of Federalism 227 (2013).

  • Gabrijela Buljan & Tanja Gradečak-Erdeljić, Where Cognitive Linguistics Meets Paremiology: A Cognitive Contrastive View of Selected English and Croatian Proverbs 64, 81 (Exell 2013).

  • Joshua Dressler & Alan C. Michaels, Understanding Criminal Procedure: Investigation3, n. 6 (2013).

  • Wojciech Kornacki, When Minority Groups Become "People" Under International Law, 25 N.Y. Int'l L. Rev. 59, 76 n. 116 (2012).

  • Guénola Capron, Carmen Icazuriaga Montes, Silvana Levi,et al, LA GEOGRAFÍA CONTEMPORÁNEA Y ELISÉE RECLUS (2011).

  • Donald T. Hornstein, Resiliency, Adaptation, and the Upsides of Ex Post Lawmaking, 89 N.C. L. Rev. 1549, 1550 n. 2 (2011).

  • J. Kelly Strader, Lawrence’s Criminal Law, 16 Berkeley J. Crim. L. 41, 62 n. 115 (2011).

  • Laura Douglass, Yoga in Higher Education: North American Educators and the Use of Yoga as Pedagogy: A Dissertation 29 (Lesley Univ. 2011).

  • Carlos Hernandez Ferreiro, La Descentralización en Europa Central y Oriental: Balance y Perspectivas para una Agenda Futura 164 (2011).

  • IL FEDERALISMO E LE COSTITUZIONI FEDERALI. PARTE PRIMA: LINEE EVOLUTIVE NEL PENSIERO POLITICO E NELLA TEORIA GIURIDICA. Percorso bibliografico nelle collezioni della Biblioteca del Senato 2002 (2010-2011).

  • Donald T. Hornstein, Resiliency, Adaptation, and the Upsides of Ex Post Lawmaking, 89 N.C. L. Rev. 1549, 1550, n. 2 (2010-2011).

  • David A. Sonenshein & Robin Nilon, Eyewitness Errors and Wrongful Convictions: Let's Give Science a Chance, 89 Or. L. Rev. 263, 269 n. 25 (2010-2011).

  • Seth Rokosky, Denied and Disparaged: Applying the “Federalist” Ninth Amendment, 159 U. Pa. L. Rev, 275, 278-79 n. 16 (2010).

  • Ann O’M. Bowman & Richard C. Kearney, Subsidiarity in State-Local Relations 16 (2010).

  • Ricardo Ampudio, Mexicans on Death Row 195 (Arte Publico Press 2010).

  • Ted Occhialino, How One Law Review Article Transformed the Law of New Mexico Forever (Not!), 40 N.M. L. Rev. 207, 209 n. 25 (2010).

  • David B. Magleby & Paul C. Light, Government by the People 71 (2009)​.

  • J. Thomas Sullivan, Developing a State Constitutional Law Strategy in New Mexico Criminal Prosecutions, 39 N.M. L. Rev. 407, 413 n. 28 (2009).

  • K.J. Lau, Vox Populi: Parody and Political Proverbs, in The Proverbial “Pied Piper”: A Festschrift Volume of Essays in Honor of Wolfgang Mieder 77-78 (Peter Lang & Kevin J. McKenna ed.) (2009).

  • Trevor Blank, Fieldwork, Memory, and the Impact of 9/11 on an Eastern Tennessee Klansman: A Folklorist’s Reflection, 35 Voices, J. N.Y. Folklore (Fall-Winter 2009).

  • Susan F. Mandiberg, Why Sentencing by a Judge Satisfies the Right to Jury Trial: A Comparative Law Look at Blakely and Booker,40 McGeorge L. Rev. 107, 137 n. 202 (2009).

  • David B. Magleby, State and Local Politics: Government by the People 89 (2009).

  • Robert F. Williams, The Law of American State Constitutions 144 n. 46, 173 n. 197, 175 n. 206 (Oxford Univ. Press 2009).

  • Vincent de Briant, Contribution a l’etude des “arrangements federatifs” de l’Etat federal a l’Etat unitaire decentralizen. 17 (2009).

  • Dannye Holly, The Supreme Courts: Did September 11th Accelerate Their Sanctioning the Constitutionality of Criminalizing Suspicion, 7 Pierce L. Rev. 39 (2008-2009).

  • J. Mitchell Pickerill &Paul Chen, Medical Marijuana Policy and the Virtues of Federalism, 38 Publius 22, 53 (2008).

  • Lani Guinier, Akhil Reed Amar, Reva B. Siegel & Cass Sunstein, The Supreme Court 2007 Term, 122 Harv. L. Rev. 1, 312 n. 71 (2008).

  • Comment, Sixth Amendment – Attachment of Right to Counsel, 122 Harv. L. Rev. 276, 312 n.71 (2008)​.

  • Douglas Husak, Overcriminalization: The Limits of the Criminal Law122 n. 1 (Oxford University Press 2008).

  • Note, The Erosion of Nebraska’s Free Exercise Protection: In re Interest of Anaya (Anaya II) 89 Neb. L. Rev. 159, 167 n. 63 (2008).

  • Michael E. Keasler, The Texas Experience: A Case for the Lockstep Approach, 77 Miss. L.J. 345, 345 n. 2 (2007-2008).

  • Robert F. Williams, State Constitutional Methodology in Search and Seizure Cases, 77 Miss. L.J. 225, 234 n. 42 (2007-2008).

  • Alex Kreit, Vicarious Criminal Liability and the Constitutional Dimensions of Pinkerton, 57 Am. U. L. Rev. 585, 606 n. 106 (2007-2008).

  • Christoph Kern, Justice Between Simplification and Formalism: A Discussion and Critique of the World Bank, Lex Mundi Project on Efficiency of Civil Procedure 38 n. 27 (Tubingen, Germany 2007).

  • James N. G. Cauthen, State Constitutions and Challenges to Nonpublic School TransportationPrograms, 49 J. Church & State498 (2007).

  • Supreme Court –Leading Cases, 122 Harv. L. Rev. 312 at n.71 (2007).

  • Toni Y. Hill-Kennedy, Lingering Verses: The Sharing of “Bits of Wisdom” in African-American Families in and Near West Columbia, TX (2007).

  • William G. Arnot & Karl W. Seelbach, Erroneously Compelled to Arbitration –Interlocutory and Mandamus Review Post-Palacios, 20 Appellate Advocate 5 (2007).

  • Laura Douglass, How Did We Get Here? A History of Yoga in America, 1800-1970, 17 Int’l J. Yoga Therapy 35, 40 n. 61 (2007).

  • Joshua Dressler & Alan C. Michaels, Understanding Criminal Procedure: Adjudication 3 n. 6 (4th ed. 2006).

  • Pablo Garcia Mexia & Jorge Villarino Marzo, Rusia y las antiguas Repúblicas Soviéticas, Asamblea. Revista Parlamentaria De La Asamblea De Madrid 782, 783 n. 6; 797 n. 54 (2006).

  • Mark Noferi, Towards Attenuation: A New Due Process Limit on Pinkerton Conspiracy Liability, 33 Am. J. Crim. L. 91, 119 n. 159 (Spring 2006).

  • Robert F. Williams, State Constitutional Law: Cases and Materials (2006).

  • Encyclopedia of American Civil Rights and Liberties 364 (2006).

  • Andrew J. Liese, We Can Do Better: Anti-Homeless Ordinances as Violations of State Substantive Due Process Law, 59 Vand. L. Rev. 1413, 1437 n. 146 (2006).

  • Markus Dirk Dubber, The Police Power: Patriarchy and the Foundations of American Government 256 n. 2 (Columbia Univ. Press 2005).

  • Aanwinstenlist, Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance and Development (Feb. 2006).

  • Cyril Robert Emery, Treaty Solutions from the Land Down Under:Reconciling American Federalism and InternationalLaw, 24 Penn State International Law Review 115, 126 n. 47(2005).

  • Daniel Pommier Vincelli, Il Federalismoin Romania: Il Dibattito Sulla Transilvanian. 7 (2005).

  • Sandra K. Dolby, Self-Help Books: Why Americans Keep Reading Them 164 (Univ. Ill. Press 2005).

  • Mary L. Bonauto, Goodridge in Context, 40 Harv. C. R. - C.L. L. Rev 1, 25 n. 134 (2005).

  • Aaron M. Clemens, Removing the Market for Lying Snitches: Reforms to Prevent Unjust Convictions,23 QLR 151, 192-93 nn. 182 & 183 (2004-2005).

  • Matthew S. Raalf, A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing: Why the Debate Surrounding Comparative Constitutional Law Is Spectacularly Ordinary, 73 Fordham L. Rev. 1239, 1252 n. 79, 1255 n. 100, 1255 n. 111, 1279 n. 242, 1282 n. 262 (2004-2005).

  • When Legal Systems Meet: Bijuralism in the Canadian Federal System, C. Lloyd Brown-John & Howard Pawley, Institut de Ciencies Politiques I Socials Adscrit a la Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (2004).

  • Various Authors, Understanding Law School 175 (2004).

  • Wayne A. Logan, Democratic Despotism and Constitutional Constraint: An Empirical Analysis of Ex Post Facto Claims in State Courts, 12 Wm. & Mary Bill Rts. J. 439, 466 n. 203, 467 n. 212 (2003-2004).

  • Jeremy Patrick, The Religion Provisions of the Nebraska Constitution: An Analysis and Litigation History, 19 Journal of Law and Religion, 331,333 n. 7, 333-34 n. 10, 371-72 n. 257 (2003-2004).

  • Henry F. Fradella, A Content Analysis of Federal Judicial Views of the Social Science Researcher's Black Arts, 35 Rutgers L.J. 103, 105 n. 14 (2003-2004).

  • Markus Dirk Dubber, Toward a Constitutional Law of Crime and Punishment, 55 Hastings L.J. 509, 529 n. 80 (2003-2004).

  • Dori Lynn Yob, Mistaken Identifications Cause Wrongful Convictions: New Jersey's Lineup Guidelines Restore Hope, But a

  • Are They Enough?, 43 Santa Clara L. Rev. 213, 227-28 n. 150 (2002-2003).

  • Kimberly S. Keller, Privacy Lost: Comparing the Attenuation of Texas's Article 1, Section 9 and the Fourth Amendment, 34 St. Mary's L.J. 429, 437 n. 32 (2002-2003).

  • Oxford Guide to American Law 529 (Kermit Hall, ed. 2002).

  • Gerald Baier, New Judicial Thinking on Sovereignty and Federalism: American and Canadian Comparisons, 23 The Justice System Journal 1, 2 n.1, 20 (2002).

  • James J. Tomkovicz, The Right to the Assistance of Counsel:A Reference Guide to the United States Constitution. (Greenwood Press 2002).

  • Scott N. Cameron, Chapter 906: California’s DNA Data Bank Joins the Modern Trend of Expansion, 33 McGeorge L. Rev. 219, 229 n. 103 (2001-2002).

  • Scott C. Idleman, Religious Freedom and the Interscholastic Athlete,12 Marq. Sports L. Rev. 295, 326 n. 148 (2001-2002).

  • Evan R. Seamone, Judicial Mindfulness, 70 U. Cin. L. Rev. 1023, 1084 n. 287 (2001-2002).

  • Dan Friedman, Tracing the Lineage: Textual and Conceptual Similarities in the Revolutionary-Era State Declarations of Rights of Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware, 33 Rutgers L.J. 929, 959 n. 119 (2001-2002).

  • CN Elliott, Federalism and Religious Liberty: Were Church and State Meant to Be Separate? Rutgers JL & Religion (2001).

  • Melanie Popper, Retrospective Application of State Firearm Prohibitions Triggering Enhanced Sentencing under Federal Law: A Violation of the Ex Post Facto Clause--The Circuits Split, 27 New Eng. J. on Crim. & Civ. Confinement 307, 323 n. 164 (2001).

  • Making Sense of the ASFA Regulations: A Roadmap for Effective Implementation 192 (ABA 2001).

  • Walter S. Achtert, MLA Abstracts 190 (2001).

  • Danielle Kitson, It's an Ex Post Fact: Supreme Court Misapplies the ExPost Facto Clause to Criminal Procedure Statutes, 91 J. Crim. L. & Criminology 429, 467 n. 317 (2000-2001).

  • Supreme Court –Leading Cases, 114 Harv. L. Rev. 195, 195n. 66 (2000).

  • B. Latzer, State Constitutional Criminal Law (2000).

  • Lawrence Friedman, The Constitutional Value of Dialogue and the New Judicial Federalism, 28 Hastings Const L. Q. 93, 107 n. 58 (2000).

  • Scott C. Idleman, Tort Liability, Religious Entities, and the Decline of Constitutional Protection, 75 Ind. L.J. 219, 246 n. 77 (2000).

  • T.P. Gordinier, Religious Freedom on the Chopping Block: Why the Smith Rule Is Preferable to the Sherbert Test (2000).

  • Cheryl Rubenstein, Legislating Religious Liberty Locally: The Possibility of Compelling Conflicts,19 Rev. Litig. 289, 301 n. 60, 302 nn. 66 & 67, 307 n. 96 (2000).

  • Comment, Criminal Law and Procedure, 114 Harv. L. Rev. 26, 195 n. 66 (2000).

  • So Chun, A Decade after Smith: An Examination of the New York Court of Appeals' Stance on the Free Exercise of Religion in Relation to Minnesota, Washington, and California, 63 Alb.L. Rev. 1305, 1308 n. 21, 1313 n. 69 (1999-2000).

  • Suzanne M. Monte, The Lack of Privacy in Vermont, 24 Vt. L. Rev. 199, 201 nn. 18 & 19, 202 n. 22( 1999-2000).

  • Deanell Reece Tacha, The Federal Courts in the 21st Century, 2 Chap. L. Rev. 7, 13 n.16 (1999).

  • L. Tucker Gibson, Government and Politics in the Lone Star State: Theory and Practice 346 (Prentice Hall 1999).

  • John S. Baker Jr., State Police Powers and the Federalization of Local Crime, 72 TempleL. Rev. 673, 706 n. 178 (1999).

  • Wolfgang Mieder & Anne Tothke Litovkina, Twisted Wisdom: Modern Anti-Proverbs (1999).

  • Thomas Y. Davies, Recovering the Original Fourth Amendment, 98 Mich. L. Rev. 547, 708 n. 460 (1999).

  • Jessica l. Schneider, Breaking Stride: The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals' Rejection of the Lockstep Approach 1988-1998, 62 Alb. L. Rev. 1593, 1594 nn. 4, 36, 47, 122 (1998-1999).

  • Jan Harold Brunvand, The Study of American Folklore: An Introduction 112 (4th ed. Norton 1998).

  • Annual Survey of Pennsylvania Administrative Law: Survey of Selected Court Decisions, 8 Widener J. Pub. L. 601, 887 n. 34 (1998-1999).

  • Jack M. Battaglia, Religion, Sexual Orientation,and Self-Realization: First Amendment Principles and Anti-Discrimination Laws, 76 U. Det. Mercy L. Rev. 189, 303 n. 687 (1998-1999).

  • Vicki Zick, Reshaping the Constitution to Meet the Practical Needs of the Day: The Judicial Preference for Binding Arbitration, 82 Marq. L.Rev. 247, 249 n. 14 (1998).

  • Michael V. Hernandez, The Right of Religious Landlords to Exclude Unmarried Cohabitants: Debunking the Myth of the Tenant's New Clothes, 77 Neb. L. Rev. 494n. 259 (1998).

  • George D. Marlow, From Black Robes to White Lab Coats: The Ethical Implications of a Judge’s Sua Sponte, Ex Parte Acquisition of Social and Other Scientific Evidence during the Decision-Making Process, 72 St. John’s L. Rev. 291, 304 n. 59 (1998).

  • S.D. Winick, The Proverb Process: Intertextuality and Proverbial Innovation in Popular Culture (Univ. Penn. 1998).

  • Paul E. McGreal, Alaska Equal Protection: Constitutional Law or Common Law, 15 Alaska L. Rev. 209, 213 nn. 11 & 12 (1998).

  • Donna M. Nakagiri, Developing State Constitutional Jurisprudence after Michigan v. Long: Suggestions for Opinion Writing and Systemic Change, 1998 Det. C.L. Rev. 807, 850 n. 269 (1998).

  • John B. Wefing, State Supreme Court Justices: Who Are They, 32 New Eng. L. Rev. 47, 50 n. 5 (1997-1998).

  • Daniel A. Crane, Beyond RFRA: Free Exercise of Religion Comes of Age in the State Courts, 10 St. Thomas L. Rev. 235, 238 n. 33, 244 n. 64 (1997-1998).

  • Wayne Logan, The Ex Post Facto Clause and the Jurisprudence of Punishment, 35 Am. Crim. L. Rev. 1261, 1318 n. 356 (1997-1998).

  • Felicia Harris Kyle, Constitutional Law -Peremptory Challenges -Religious-Based Peremptory Challenges in Light of J.E.B. and the Texas Constitution -Casarez v. State, 913 S.W.2d 468 (Tex. Crim. App. 1994), 38 S. Tex. L. Rev. 281, 301 n. 118 (1997).

  • Robert F. Williams, In the Glare of the Supreme Court: Continuing Methodology and Legitimacy Problems in Independent State Constitutional Rights Adjudication,72 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1015, 1019 n. 22 (1997).

  • Thomas R. Dye, Politics in America 882 (Prentice Hall 1997).

  • Richard E. Mitchell, An Ex Post Facto Enigma: When Does Increased Incarceration Not Equate to Increased Punishment, 49 Fla. L. Rev. 179, 181 n. 16 (1997).

  • James O. Hacking III, Won't You Be My Neighbor: Do Community Notification Statutes Violate Sexual Offenders' Rights under the Constitution's Ban on the Passage of Ex Post Facto Laws, 41 St. Louis U. L.J. 761, 776 n. 105 (1996-1997).

  • Walter Walsh, The Fearful Symmetry of Gay Rights, Religious Freedom, and Racial Equality, 40 Howard L.J. 513, 536 n. 103 (1996-1997).

  • Wolfang P. Hirczy de Mino, Does an Equal Rights Amendment Make a Difference, 60 Alb. L. Rev. 1581, 1583 n. 10 (1996-1997).

  • Jennifer Friesan, State Constitutional Law: Litigating Individual Claims and Defenses 883 (2d ed. 1996).

  • Anand Prahlad, African-American Proverbs in Context 268 (University Press 1996).

  • Daniel Gordon, Reestablishment of Religious Freedom: Developing an Alternative Model Based on State Constitutionalism Privacy, 66 Miss. L.J. 127, 130 n. 16 (1996).

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